Sunday, 3 June 2012

Spring and Summer all Mixed Up

Tiny sweet peas, luscious strawberries, earthy carrots and beets, asparagus, basil and fresh spring greens.  There were so many goodies at the Ottawa's Farmers' Market in Brewer Park this morning I didn't know what to buy let alone decide what to make for lunch and dinner.  

The morning started out with warm sun, then became overcast, then it rained, then the sun broke through and then the temperature dropped as the wind whipped up. 

One thing for sure, the weather was as varied as some of the products the growers had in their stands.  Here it was, early June, and some of them had basil already.  Was it my imagination or were the sweet peas and strawberries are a bit early this year too?

The vendors straightened me out.  It wasn't my imagination.  Since last year some of them had added row covers, greenhouses and hoop houses to protect their crops and extend the short growing season.  These innovations coupled with an unusually mild winter meant that we would be able to enjoy fruits and veggies usually available in late June a week or two earlier.  How great is that?

I'm really looking forward to seeing what interesting new dishes come to mind now that the seasons are overlapping so much.

Now, can anyone do something about the weather?

Mollie the Wonder Dog

Pastel duck eggs

1 comment:

Heather Robinson said...

So much to love here--I can't wait to hear what you decided to with your purchases!